If you need assistance at any time, ask one of the conductors or a station agent.
Plan to arrive at the station at least 10-15 minutes early so you do not have to rush to catch your train.
Look for visual markers adjacent to the coach doors to assist boarding. The Café Car, bicycle storage cars, and cars that are
ADA accessible all have decals. Please note that Café Car doors do not open for boarding and exiting passengers.
At the Sacramento Station, there are complimentary shuttles for individuals who may have difficulty walking the distance between the train platform
and the station. Priority is given to passengers with mobility impairment. Shuttle pick-up locations are designated by signs on the platform and in
the station. The last shuttle departs the station 15 minutes prior to a train departure.
Gather your belongings and prepare to exit by proceeding to the lower level as the train approaches your destination, not when the conductor
announces that the train has arrived. Capitol Corridor trains make very brief stops at stations.
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