Schedule change Mishandled

Schedule change Mishandled

To: Chair and Members

Cap Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board



You just changed schedules last week.

I know this as my wife and planned to take the train into SF on our Anniversary.


We miss our train by 5 you changed the schedule.  

We have pre-ticketed but somehow the changes in schedule was not noted to us vs old printed schedules we have around the house.   


I note the following:

  1. You had no new printed schedules available at the Davis, Emeryville and SF stations.

  2. You did not even post the new schedules at Emeryville or Davis, or San Francisco. While SF did have a list of departure for buses posted outside by bus -- in small font...but not have arrival times of the new schedule.

  3. My wife was unable to access the new corrected schedule on the Web on phone.  


This is an embarrassment.


Let me suggest the following next step:


Your board should ask CC staff to

  1. document for problem they had and and what they learned from this schedule change and
  2.  Put a memo in file for Plan to do future schedule changes so they are done more seamlessly.
     This would include i.e. checklist of outreach activities & lead times for each
     Media PR, posters for stations and trains and buses,  train Lit handouts,  signage outside trains on platform  How station agents should notify people pre-ticketing that a new schedule will be in effect, etc.


We can do better.


Alan Hirsch

Leader of SF Peninsula Effort to pass Prop 116, (AKA Peninsula Rail 2000, inc)
  116 was the voter bond measure that funded the start up the CC in 1992.